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- =========================================================================
- PARADISE v0.71 beta - April 2000
- Copyright (C)1999, 2000 by Giuseppe Mignogna.
- Freeware. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.
- Special thanks to Tony Duxbury.
- =========================================================================
- 6. USAGE
- 13. AUTHOR
- 14. THANKS
- ---------------------------------
- The author of this program is in no way liable for hardware
- or software damages that may occur during usage or by the
- information given in this document.
- There is absolutely no kind of warranty: use it at your
- own risk.
- ==========================================================
- >>> Please carefully read ALL the documentation before <<<
- >>> starting this project. <<<
- ==========================================================
- ---------------------------------
- This program is free. You can use it as you want but I still have
- copyrights on it. No gift is needed to use it.
- Magazine editors or internet archive owners should inform me about
- the program review or inclusion in their CD-ROM's or collection.
- Distribution without profits is allowed and encouraged but only for
- the whole archive, not parts of it.
- ---------------------------------
- Paradise is a set of two command line programs, one for MS-DOS
- and one for Amiga OS, with which you can easly and quickly transfer
- files, entire directories or disk images between the Amiga and PC
- systems using a spare parallel port and a special link-up cable.
- If you need a program to do the above things mentioned, this is
- the one for you, but if you are looking for a program
- to share the devices between the two systems and/or with a nice
- GUI, sorry but you have to search elsewhere.
- ---------------------------------
- * A PC with a bi-directional SPP parallel port and MS-DOS 7;
- Windows 9x is needed to support long file names, but is not
- necessary; other versions of MS-DOS or Windows have not been
- tested but probably work OK.
- * An Amiga with OS 2.0+. I've made some tests using my Amiga
- 500+ with Kickstart 1.3 loaded in RAM and I found only one
- problem when uploading files. It's possible to exclude the
- routines that cause the failure by using the "-kick13"
- option, but doing so, only files (not directories) can be
- sent. Please read the "Known problems" and "Help Needed"
- sections for more info.
- * A ParNet modified cable.
- This is the cable diagram, build it using two 25 PIN D-SUB MALE
- connectors (for a better view, use a fixed size font):
- ==============================================
- ----------------------------------------------
- Data bit 0 | 2 <---> 2 | Data bit 0
- Data bit 1 | 3 <---> 3 | Data bit 1
- Data bit 2 | 4 <---> 4 | Data bit 2
- Data bit 3 | 5 <---> 5 | Data bit 3
- Data bit 4 | 6 <---> 6 | Data bit 4
- Data bit 5 | 7 <---> 7 | Data bit 5
- Data bit 6 | 8 <---> 8 | Data bit 6
- Data bit 7 | 9 <---> 9 | Data bit 7
- Busy | 11 <---> 11 | Busy
- Paper Out | 12 <---> 1 | Strobe
- Ground | 17-25 <---> 17-25 | Ground
- ==============================================
- On my cable, I have the shield wire connected too, but I think
- that if you don't have it, it will work OK anyway.
- Note: The ground wires and the shield wire are not the same
- thing and their functions are totally different!
- =============================================================
- >>> * * W A R N I N G S * * <<<
- It provides A +5 volt power source used by some devices. It
- may be dangerous to connect this, so don't!
- - The cable is NOT reversable. Each connector must be
- plugged into the right port: the Amiga side connected to the
- Amiga port, the PC side connected to the PC port.
- However, no damage will occur, but it's better to mark both
- connectors so that you don't get them mixed up.
- - Turn off both computers before connecting the cable.
- =============================================================
- Note that Paper Out (pin 12) on the Amiga side is connected to
- Strobe (pin 1) on the PC side: this is the only necessary
- difference between a standard ParNet cable and a Paradise cable.
- Note also that other pins used by a standard ParNet cable (such us
- Acknowledge - pin 10, and Select - pin 13) are not required by
- Paradise and are not shown for clarity. If you decide to build
- the cable by modifying a standard one and you keep the extra pins
- connected and the program will not work, try disconnecting them.
- Anyway, I've tested a cable with pins 10 and 13 connected and it
- works OK either way. See "Trouble Shooting" and "What's Next" for
- more.
- ---------------------------------
- - copy the "Paradise.exe" file in the "ToPC" directory to a
- PC directory then copy the "Paradise" file in the "ToAmiga"
- directory to an Amiga directory.
- - build the cable (or modify a standard one) then link the two
- computers together (remember to turn them off first).
- - Enter your PC BIOS and make sure it's set to use the SPP parallel
- port mode at I/O base address 0x378 (this is the default setting
- but Paradise allows you to specify a different address. See "Usage"
- for more). Maybe your BIOS will display different names or modes,
- in any case a bi-directional one must be used. I tested it with my
- PC all modes available (SPP, EPP, ECP) and every mode works, but
- some modes seem don't work on all PC's.
- 6. USAGE
- ---------------------------------
- - The Amiga version must be executed from a shell window, the PC
- version from the DOS prompt. Long file names are supported only if
- Windows 9x is running, in this case you need to execute it from a
- DOS shell.
- - The easiest way Paradise can be used is to upload a file.
- To do this, execute the specific version indicating the file name
- on the source system, and no name on the destination system.
- For example:
- "paradise c:\archive\images.zip" on the PC
- "paradise" on the Amiga
- This will transfer the file "images.zip" located in the
- "c:\archive" directory on the PC to the current Amiga
- directory.
- =========================================================
- --- Complete syntax for the Amiga and the PC versions ---
- =========================================================
- Paradise [?] [filenames] [-spath <saving path>] [-stay]
- [-nosubdir] [-timeout <delay>] [-noask]
- [-sdisk [name]] [-rdisk] [-drive <n>] [-kick13]
- PARADISE.EXE [?] [filenames] [-spath <saving path>] [-stay]
- [-nosubdir] [-timeout <delay>] [-noask]
- [-port <I/O base address]
- ======================================================
- --- Parameters and options common to both versions ---
- ======================================================
- [?] gives short on line help.
- [filenames] is the list of files and/or directories to be uploaded
- separated by spaces. Wildcards are allowed, and are OS
- dependent (that is, with the Amiga version you must use
- '#', '?' etc. and '*', '?' with the PC version).
- If you specify a directory or it's matched by wildcards,
- its contents will be transfered recursively.
- The long file names with the PC are supported if Windows 9x
- is running, but in any case at the command line (actually)
- >> requires the 8.3 format << to indicate the files;
- anyway, if possible, the long format will be used.
- Protection bit will be converted in this way:
- Amiga -> PC: rwd -> d; x -> a.
- PC -> Amiga: d -> rwd; a -> x.
- [-spath <saving path>] is the directory where the downloaded
- files must be saved. If none is given, the current
- dir will be used.
- [-stay] avoids program quitting after completing a download.
- If you have a lot of files to upload from one side to
- another, using this option on the destination system
- helps you by executing the program each time.
- [-nosubdir] avoids directories be accessed recursively (that's,
- sub directories are not transfered, only first level files).
- [-timeout <delay>] is the delay in milliseconds used only by the
- connection/reset routine. If the message "Time Out" is
- displayed and the connection can't be established, maybe
- the delay is too low, so try to use an higher value. Note
- that this possibility is very remote, most probably the
- problem is elsewhere.
- Each part uses its own delay, so different values
- can be used. Default is 500 ms for the Amiga part and
- 10/18 of second for the PC part.
- [-noask] no kind of confirmation will be asked, for example
- before writing a disk image to the floppy or when an
- existing file is going to be overwritten. Note: if you
- answer "N" to a confirmation message, your entire transfer
- will be interrupted. See "What's Next" for more.
- =====================================================
- --- Specific Amiga version parameters and options ---
- =====================================================
- [-sdisk [name]] allows to send a disk image directly from the Amiga
- floppy drive to the PC. If you don't specify a name and the
- disk is in the Amiga DOS format, its name will be used with
- the ".adf" suffix, otherwise a default name.
- Very useful if you use an Amiga emulator under PC, like WinUAE.
- [-rdisk] allows to receive a disk image file from the PC and
- directly write it to a floppy disk. The image file must
- be 901120 bytes long (low density). You can receive one disk
- image and other files at the same time, but you must indicate
- on the PC the disk image as the first file to be uploaded.
- [-drive <drive nr.>] let specify the drive (0 to 3) to be used for
- the disk image transfering. Default is 0 (internal drive).
- Please read the "Needed Help" section.
- [-kick13] actives a patch for Kickstart 1.3 users. I found out some
- incompatible Amiga DOS routines, that cause Guru Meditation when
- uploading files. Using this option avoids it, but you can't
- use wildcards nor send directories (from the Amiga to the PC),
- just single files. All other operations seem to work properly.
- Read "Needed Help" and "Known Problems" for more.
- [-notbreak] makes the program ignores a user break before having
- finished its job.
- ==================================================
- --- Specific PC version parameters and options ---
- ==================================================
- [-port <hexadecimal I/O base address] lets specify the address at
- which the parallel port is mapped. Default is 0x378.
- ==================================================
- --- More examples (as requested by some users) ---
- ==================================================
- -> PC: "paradise"
- AMY: "paradise -sdisk mydisk.adf"
- Transfers a disk image from the Amiga to the Pc. It will be
- saved in the PC current dir and named "mydisk.adf".
- -> PC: "paradise mydisk.adf"
- AMY: "paradise -rdisk "
- Transfers a file from the PC to the Amiga, writing it to the
- floppy drive as a disk image. Paradise can't know if
- "mydisk.adf" is a real disk image, it can just check its size.
- -> PC: "paradise mydisk.adf"
- AMY: "paradise"
- Transfers a file from the PC to the Amiga, writing it to the
- Amiga current dir. Note how a disk image from the PC can be
- saved as a normal file if the "-rdisk" option isn't used.
- -> PC: "paradise mydisk.adf seek.lha"
- AMY: "paradise -rdisk -spath dh0:downloads"
- Transfers the "mydisk.adf" disk image file from the PC to the
- Amiga, writing it to the floppy drive; transfers the file
- "seek.lha" from the PC to the Amiga directory "dh0:downloads".
- -> PC: "paradise seek.lha mydisk.adf"
- AMY: "paradise -rdisk -spath dh0:downloads"
- Unlike the previous example, this one probably gives an error:
- when receiving a disk, the first file from the PC must be a
- disk image.
- =========================
- --- More informations ---
- =========================
- - It's possible to perform many operations at the same time.
- For example:
- PC: "paradise file.1 file.2 c:\songs\*.* -spath C:\download"
- AMY: "paradise ram:#?.lha -sdisk"
- will transfer the files "file.1", "file.2" and all the ones
- and/or directories placed under "c:\songs" from the PC to the
- Amiga current directory and all the files with extension ".lha"
- from the Amiga ram: device, plus a disk image file named as
- the disk name inserted in the internal drive, to the PC directory
- "c:\download".
- - While running, both versions display some informations. The PC
- version will show something more, like the remaining time or the
- transfer rate. The rate depends on the I/O disk access in some
- cases, so don't rely too much on it for the real memory buffer
- to memory buffer transfer rate.
- - To break a transfer, press the <ESC> key on the PC; on the Amiga,
- you must press <RETURN> too. No confirmation will be given.
- If one program quits, the other one will still run, and you have
- to stop it manually.
- ---------------------------------
- - Without using the "-kick13" option, the Amiga part will fail under
- Kickstart 1.3 when uploading files. When using the patch, you must
- indicate the exact file name, without the path or wildcards.
- - Problems may happen using fast Amigas. I use a 7mhz Amiga against
- a 233mhz PC and I don't know if something might go wrong when both
- speeds are similiar. Anyway, due the asynchronous way the programs
- work, everything should be alright (I hope...).
- - The programs was developed under Amiga OS 2.0 and MS-DOS 7 running
- in a Windows 98 shell. Tests have been made running the program
- under different conditions, but problems may still occur, in
- particular, file name conflicts.
- - Note that the two programs work doing direct hardware accesses
- at the parallel port registers: if they'll change, well, you
- know... But I think this is very improbable.
- ---------------------------------
- If the connection can't be established ("Time out" is always shown):
- 1) Do a partial test of your parallel ports, e.g. using a printer.
- This should be enough, but not completely.
- 2) Check your cable, with a multimeter. Probe each single pin with
- all the others: there can be no short circuits with other pins
- except the one visible in the cable diagram.
- 3) Be sure the PC parallel port I/O base address is set to 0x378 and
- in SPP mode (bi-directional). Note: you can specify a different par
- port address using the option "-port <address>".
- 4) Try other PC parallel port modes (e.g. EPP or ECP).
- 5) Set a higher value for the delay used by the reset routines.
- For example, "paradise [your files or options] -timeout 40" on the
- PC and "paradise [your files or option] -timeout 999" on the Amiga.
- Anyway, this is very strange (means your computers are TOO slow).
- 6) Try to connect the Acknowledge line, that's pins 10 <--> 10.
- A user wrote me saying he had to keep it on, otherwise
- the program did not work. I have never heard anything like this
- from other people.
- 7) Try the Paradise v0.53b. This has very little bugs and has been
- used succesfully by many users. If it works, the problem is in this
- new version, so please write me.
- ---------------------------------
- If you want this program to be better, help me sending in an answer
- for the next points (if you can, naturally).
- - I haven't received anything from users of fast Amigas. If you
- have an Amiga 4000 or an accelerator board, and you use Paradise,
- let me know if and how it works.
- - If you have an Amiga with native Kickstart 1.3 ROM, let me know
- if uploading files works without using the '-kick13' option.
- I can test it only using a Kickstart loaded in RAM and this may
- be different from a real one.
- - If you have an external drive, let me know if the "-sdisk" and
- "-rdisk" commands work with the "-drive <n>" option (I just
- have an internal drive). <n> should be "1".
- ---------------------------------
- --- v0.53 beta ---
- At first, I made this program for my personal use, because I
- needed to transfer .MOD files and disk images (large files).
- I was not interested how, but I wanted to do it fast via parallel.
- But after I looked on Aminet, I saw that there where just a couple of
- programs, and they didn't work for me. So I decided to program
- something myself, but I have only an Amiga 500+ with 2 MB of RAM, no
- hard drive and a stripped down version of SAS C that compiles only
- ANSI C source code. It was very hard to make the first Amiga part of
- Paradise, because of the large number of disk swapping to compile
- everything. Fortunally, I only got just one or two system failures :-)
- No problems with the PC part (I have a Pentium).
- When I finished the programs, I saw that they worked fine and that
- someone else might be interested in them, so I decided to improve them
- and put the archive on the Internet.
- --- v0.71 beta ---
- Using WinUAE to develop the Amiga part with the PC, I've added
- tons of new features. Here is some of them:
- - core routines optimized in Assembly 68000;
- - handshaking routine;
- - multiple files;
- - disk image sending;
- - disk image receiving;
- - wildcards support;
- - long file names;
- - recursively directories sending.
- ---------------------------------
- There are things that I'll try to do, even if I get no replies:
- - Solve the bugs that might appear (I think only minor bugs, 'cause
- I've tested the program enough to say it's ok :-);
- - A cable test routine to test if it's ok or diagnose what's wrong;
- - Make the Amiga version fully compatible with Kickstart 1.3;
- There are things that I'll do only if I'll get a lot of replies:
- - Change the cable diagram in a symmetric one, that's change the
- actual line 12 <-> 1 in 1 <-> 1. This means old users must modify
- their cables that they have already built, but new users can
- easily find, build or modify an existing commercial one. Let me
- know what you think about this. If most of you think that it's a
- bad idea, I'll leave things how they are now.
- - A log file, where all operations will be recorded to.
- - A simulation transfer routine, to test if a big transfer
- will be done succesfully without wasting a lot of time.
- - Make the program more flexible. Actually, it quits on any type
- of error that will occur during the transfer. To avoid this, I
- have to modify the transfer protocol to a so called "protocol with
- confirmation". In this way, each part will know exactly what is
- happening on the other side and act consequently. The drawback
- is the long time to make and test it!
- ---------------------------------
- Bug reports, suggestions or complains are very welcome AND requested.
- If you think this program is useful, let me know; if you think
- it's ugly, let me know too. Especially, I'm interested on your
- transfer rate and configuration.
- Remember that the amount of time that I'm happy to spend on this
- program depends on the amount of people interested in it: if you
- don't write me, I'll never know that you are using it! Lot of
- features that I've added to this version are there only because some
- people requested them...
- To contact me:
- e-mail
- -------------------
- raze@iol.it
- lux@cds.unina.it
- gmignogna@yahoo.com
- -------------------
- web page (carelessed, but soon you'll can find there more beta
- version, bug reports, extra docs etc. Nothing just now)
- -----------------------
- http://www.gm.iwarp.com
- -----------------------
- 13. AUTHOR
- ---------------------------------
- I'm a student of Informatic Engineering at Federico II University
- of Naples. I was born in Riccia, a little italian town, where
- I still live. I've a lot of interests, computers firstly.
- My first computer was a Commodore 16, bought in 1985. With it, I
- started to learn basic and machine languages. Today I like
- to run old c16 programs on emulators. In 1989 I sold my c16 to buy
- an Amiga 500 w/ ks 1.2. After that, I bought and sold some other
- machines, but what the Amiga has given to me, no other computer
- has. For me it's more than a computer, it's a dream come true.
- This program is a gift to the Amiga and all of its community,
- I think the best community ever. And I still hope one day it'll
- come back (Don't we all?).
- 14. THANKS
- ---------------------------------
- Last BUT NOT the least, the thank you's! Developing Paradise took a
- lot of my free (and sometimes not only that :) time, when I was not
- busy with studies. Anyway, without the direct or indirect help
- from some people, this release would have never been made. So, a big
- thanks to:
- - Tony Duxbury for offering me his help and for improving the english
- in these docs. I think you should thank him too :-) (my english is
- so baaad!);
- - Craig Peacock for its very useful page on how to use the PC
- parallel port. If you want to, you can visit:
- Interfacing the PC - Homepage
- http://www.senet.com.au/~cpeacock
- - SAS Institute Inc. for the SAS C v6.51;
- - Borland International Inc. for the C++ v3.1;
- - Mathias Ortmann, Bernd Schmidt and all the other incredible guys
- who developed UAE and WinUAE emulators (The Amiga version of
- Paradise was developed using the SAS C running under WinUAE 0.8.8
- Release 7!);
- - Frank Wille for the good MC680x0 Macro Assembler PhxAss V4.xx;
- - The guy who created the inter57b.zip collection of MS-DOS interrupt
- list (sorry, I can't find his name);
- - Mikael Kalm, author of the demo "Tunnel". I used the demo source
- to learn how to call functions in asm objects with the SAS C;
- - Roland Bengtsson for putting the demo "Tunnel" on his page;
- - The owner of this site: "http://amycoder.hypermart.net/". I have
- found lot of interesting Amiga stuff there;
- - Bernd Schmidt, Marcus Sundberg, Stefan Ropke, Rodney Hester,
- Joanne Dow for the Transdisk v4.2 source code included in the
- UAE archives (Transdisk was a good example and helped me to
- develop the send and receive disk routines);
- - All the people working for Aminet;
- - Pelucchi Marco for a very detailed transfer rate report;
- - Janne Lähteenmäki for reminding me to include in the docs
- the BIOS setting for the parallel port;
- - Ofner Michael for letting me know about his problem with the
- Acknowledge line;
- - Fabio Benedetti for the Amiga keyboard input location;
- - All the people that I forgot to include here (really sorry!);
- - Iron Maiden, Metallica, Manowar, AC/DC and Depeche Mode for making
- my day with their great music;
- - My family;
- - The Amiga!